
A blog for anything to do with astronomy. Please feel free to give suggestions about anything you would like to see on here.

Messier Catalogue

M 3 globular cluster in Canes Venatici

M 13 Globular cluster in Hercules

M 27 Planetary Nebula (Dumbbell Nebula)
M 31 & M 32 Andromeda and its satellite galaxy.

M 34 Open Cluster (Spiral Cluster)

M 35 Open Cluster

M 36 Open Cluster
M 37 Open Cluster

M 38 Open Cluster (Starfish Cluster)

M 42 & M 43 Orion Nebula and De Mairan's Nebula
M 51 Whirlpool Galaxy
M 57 Ring nebula

M 57 Ring Nebula
M 65, M 66 and NGC 3628 Galaxies

M 82 Cigar Galaxy in Ursa Major
M 81 & M 82 Bodes Galaxy and Cigar Galaxy

     M 92 Globular Cluster in Hercules

M 101 Pinwheel Galaxy

All of the above images where taken with a Skywatcher 120/1000 refractor and Canon 100d. 

I have only just started DSLR imaging so please excuse the poor quality of some images and the fact the majority of the catalogue is missing. I'm working on it :)