
A blog for anything to do with astronomy. Please feel free to give suggestions about anything you would like to see on here.

Tuesday 1 July 2014

The Sun

The Sun taken in white light using my camera phone with herschel wedge, 120mm refractor, 20mm eyepiece and polarising filter. My phone camera doesn't show the surface detail very well.

Above it is a close up of sunspot AR2158 where the x class solar flare erupted from yesterday (big spot top centre of bigger photo).


11/09/2014 14:52
Did you know the Sun has a rotational period of 25 Earth days at it's equator and it's apparent rotational period as seen from Earth is about 26.2 days due to our orbit around it.

Also it has different rotation rates at different latitudes taking 34 days to rotate at it's poles and an apparent rotation rate of around 36 days at it poles as seen from Earth. 

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