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Thursday, 5 February 2015

Planetary Images 2015

Jupiter 02/02/2015

This was made using 10 images of Jupiter from 00:40 - 02:52 GMT on 02/02/2015, a few images are poor quality but it still shows Jupiter's rotation and Io's transit of Jupiter quite well.
Skywatcher 120/1000 mm, Neximage5, 2xBarlow.

Io is passing in front of Jupiter and Europa appears to the right in the last frame about to pass behind Jupiter. The Great red spot (GRS) is visible here too.

One of the images from the above animation.

Venus 12/10/2015

Venus at 50% illumination captured with Skywatcher 120/1000 mm refrator, 2xbarlow and Neximage5 camera.

Saturn 24/05/2015

Saturn one day after opposition which is the best time of the year to observe it whilst it is opposite the Sun from Earth's point of view, it rises after sunset and is visible throughout the night. It is also at its closest point to Earth when at opposition.

Perseid Meteor Shower 2015

Composite image of Perseid meteor shower 2015 composed of 6 x 8 second images captured with a Canon 100d at 18mm, F3.4, ISO 1600.

Perseid Meteor Vaporising!

Cropped animation of Perseid meteor just about caught in camera's field of view. 5 x 8 second images.

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